Brand new Peikko book:
“Double-headed anchors as
punching shear reinforcement”
Double-headed anchors, such as PSB®, are one of the most effi cient systems
for the reinforcement of concrete flat slabs against failure by punching.
The anchors are the most typically
used to reinforce floor slabs, foundation
slabs or column footings.
This reinforcement technique
has become almost a standard in Central
Europe over the past 20 years; nowadays,
it is becoming increasingly popular outside
of Europe as well. The intention of the
Peikko book “Double headed anchors as
punching shear reinforcement - Explanations
and guidance on design and construction”
is to provide a solid technical package of
information on the punching shear reinforcement.
The book has been made as a dual
language edition in English and German.
With the design method according to
EN 1992-1-1, the favorable eff ect of the
deformation-reduced anchoring of doubleheaded
anchors compared to punching
reinforcement made of stirrups cannot be
assessed. Since the end of 2012, the fi rst
European Technical Approvals (ETAs) are
available based on the same design concept
developed for an application in conjunction
with EN 1992-1-1.
With the conversion of the European
Technical Approvals into European Technical
Assessments, the design rules contained
therein were also removed. This was taken
as an opportunity to summarize the design
concept with additional planning and design
notes as well as design examples in the
present book. Updated design rules for
fatigue resistance are also incorporated.
The book is intended to off er planners,
engineers, and contractors guidance in daily
PSB® and PSB PLUS® Punching
Reinforcement fulfi ls all requirements
regarding mechanical, fi re, and corrosion
resistance. Design of PSB® Punching
Reinforcement is included in Peikko
Designer® to facilitate daily tasks of
structural engineers.
You can order
your book here:
Thomas Sippel
Codes and Approvals Director
Peikko Group Corporation