Company news in brief
Peikko purchased new factory premises
in Lithuania
Peikko has purchased factory premises of
25,000 m² (30,000 sq yd) in Kaunas, Lithuania,
Peikko started manufacturing in Turkey
Peikko has started manufacturing in a newly
established premises in the city of Izmit, near
Istanbul. Peikko has had its own Sales and
Engineering team in Turkey since 2009.
To be able to serve our Turkish
customers and grow the business further
in the environment of fl uctuating currency
exchange rates, increasing logistics costs,
and the existence of customs duties, it is
imperative to have a more local approach.
The fi rst manufactured products are
related to industrial fl ooring solutions,
such as customized TERAJOINT® fl oor
joints. The intent is to expand the product
off ering and scale of operations rapidly in
the years to come.
located very near to its existing factory
First, Peikko increases the manufacturing
capacity of EBEA® Balcony Connectors,
where Peikko Lithuania has a role to
deliver this product line particularly for
the North European market. Secondly,
Peikko increases the production capacity
of ATLANT® Composite Columns, a column
system providing slimmer and more
architectural structures.
The new premises in Lithuania not only
provide Peikko with a solid foundation to
continue growing in the Nordic markets, but
also off ering customers top-class solutions
manufactured close to the market.
French ATEx approval received for
Peikko has received ATEx (Appréciation
project control authorities accept the
Technique d'Expérimentation), an approval
use of DELTABEAM® without delay
for its DELTABEAM® composite beam from
and further questions.
CSTB, the French Scientifi c and Technical
The new approval opens up great
Center for Buildings.
business opportunities for the coming
ATEx is a favorable, offi cial expert
years for Peikko’s DELTABEAM®. ATEx
opinion for the use of the DELTABEAM®
is a major industrial milestone, since
product by the French authorities, and
it facilitates the entry of slim-fl oor
it simplifi es the use of the product, as
technology systems into France, and
with this documentation, the construction
supports the use of hollow-core slabs.
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