“Young people no longer want to work
in construction, they are drawn to other
industries such as IT and logistics. You
see a lot of women and older men on
building sites, so you need to come up with
something that’s more efficient than the
traditional building methods,” Shi explains.
He also points out that controlling the
quality is often an issue with the competing
connection methods.
“Chinese are focused on the speed of
building, but then it's easy to compromise
quality. With the Gangjie – our bolted
connections – both the quality and speed of
construction can be kept high.”
The designers are constantly looking for
new, innovative building methods.
“But they are also somewhat suspicious
by nature. They need more local
Shi says that many local competitors in
China are great in copying.
“The government encourages and funds
innovation, but luckily also the IP rights are
enforced. We are doing all we can to help
the authorities, designers and contractors
to get in speed with the bolted connections.”
We call it Gangjie,
which means both
rigid and fast.
Local standards for bolted connections
were created in early 2020.
“Since then, Gangjie has been used with
three reference cases – petrochemical and
electronics factories, as well as an office
building. And there’s more to come.”
In 2021, Peikko China is looking forward
to executing projects in the pharmaceutical
and other high-end industries.
“These are great opportunities for us,
as each segment has its own, specific
requirements,” Huafei Shi concludes. ●