WILORA® Connecting Rail — Wire loop rail
for wall connections
WILORA® Connecting Rail is a wire loop connection
system for forming joints between precast wall-to-wall
or wall- to-column connections.
1250 mm long WILORA® Connecting
Rails are available in two sizes: 50 mm
high and 20 mm high. The option to use
both thixotropic and normal grout makes
the WILORA® Connecting Rail system
suitable for a wide range of applications.
The WILORA® Connecting Rail has
approval from the Concrete Association
of Finland and is now available for
Scandinavia and the Baltics.
BOLDA® Column Shoe — Strong and
optimized bolted column connection
BOLDA® Column Shoes were designed and developed to
introduce a new generation of column shoes. It is an effi cient
replacement for PEC® Column Shoes in heavy loading conditions.
BOLDA® Column Shoe
Strong and Optimized Bolted Column Connections
• Full-scale tested and approved connection –
bending, stiffness,All the shear benefi ts and of a standard fire resistances
• Safe, simple and column quick connection erection are of course
of precast column
with no bracing applicable and welding
when BOLDA® Column Shoes
are used. For example, no bracing is
• Fast and cost-needed,efficient which column allows for assembly a free working
reduced man-space and where crane-the hours
connection is instantly
• Design efficiency secured using when bolts Peikko are tightened.Designer
Erection of the precast column takes
around 10 minutes with the use of a crane
• Advanced casting and only process a two-man with crew. Behaviour the help of
standard accessories
the precast column and connection can
• Column assembled be safely in considered 10 minutes
to be comparable to
• Covered and cast-verified in-situ structure.
by European Technical
Assessment (ETA)
• CE marked high performance Column Shoe
Create a wall joint with a pair of WILORA®
Connecting Rails, add the vertical rebar and
grout – a fast and easy way to make a joint
that is resistant to shear and tensile forces.
WILORA® Connecting Rails are
manufactured from profi led steel rail with
fi ve wire loops inside that are protected by a
deck. The rails are installed on the formwork
at the full length of the joint, creating the
casting channel without extra work. Enjoy
the fast installation, improved accuracy
of dimensions, and easy assembly to the
formwork using nails and simple tools.
BOLDA® Column Shoes are ETA assessed
based on the full-scale tests of bolted column
connections to prove the bending and shear
resistance, stiff ness, and resistance when the
connection is exposed to fi re.
BOLDA® Column Shoes are compact
column shoes to fi t in a smaller and narrower
column cross-section. It is possible to reduce
column cross-section up to 24% with BOLDA®
when compared to PEC® Column Shoes.
Thanks to its optimized design, it is easier to
handle and install it in the precast factory.
BOLDA® Column Shoes are construction products to form fast
and safe connections between precast concrete columns and