• Itsenäisyysjulistus • Perustuslaki • Kongressi
• Presidentti • Osavaltiot • Oikeusjärjestelmä
• Vaalit • Puolueet
SAM:n julkaisema
Yhdysvaltojen poliittinen
tarvitsemasi tieto näppärästi ja
kompaktisti samassa paketissa!
Esite avaa Yhdysvaltojen
poliittisen järjestelmän kes-keisiä
osia. Tavoitteenam-me
on, että sen luettuasi
ymmärrät paremmin maan
päätöksentekoa sekä uuti-sointia
Yhdysvaltojen poli-tiikasta
ja yli 325 miljoonan
amerikkalaisen elämästä.
tion about how much they owe since the state does not
have a standardized record-keeping system of this in-formation.
If the individual wrongly registers to vote,
the person risks being charged with a new felony! The
challenge to this legislation has been moving through
the courts, but it is most likely that only a small fraction
of those 1,6 million potential voters will actually be able
to vote in the November election.
New threats
Finally, the coronavirus pandemic has presented some
new threats to voting rights. Many states, both blue
and red, have been trying to encourage vote-by-mail to
avoid long-lines and crowded voting places on election
day, November 3, 2020. But President Trump has been
sowing some seeds of confusion over voting by mail. He
has said he is concerned about fraud, although there is
little to no evidence to show that is a problem. His ac-tions
have extended to making changes in the Post Of-fice
to make it more difficult for ballots to be delivered
and counted on time.
Voters are very concerned about the many things that
could go wrong in November, leaving us with another
contested election, lawsuits and effective disenfran-chisement
for many people.
Voting should be convenient and straightforward
for all citizens, but, unfortunately, in 2020, as in many
periods of our history, this does not seem to be the case
in America.
Dr. Linda Geller-Schwartz is on the Board of the Palm Beach
Center for Democracy and Policy Research and the Co-Chair
of the Voting Rights Coalition of the League of Women Vot-ers
of Palm Beach County. She is a former adjunct professor
at Florida Atlantic University in the Women’s Studies Center
and the Department of Sociology. Prior to moving to the Unit-ed
States, she served as the director general of the Women’s
Bureau in the Federal Department of Labour in Canada, and
a senior policy advisor in the government.
Voit ladata esitteen
SAM Magazine 2/2020-näköislehden Linda Geller-
Schwartzin artikkeliin on linkitetty kirjoittajan taustoit-tavia
viite- ja lähdetietoja. Näköislehti on luettavissa
osoitteessa www.samsuomi.fi/sam-lehti
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