The real reason for the American business community’s
recent stand is more mundane than any
of these explanations: business is good when the
nation has stability and predictability, not disruption
or chaos. American business – along with the
rest of America – tried a shake-things-up approach
for four years to see how that would work. It didn’t,
with Mr. Trump’s unpredictable outbursts, abrupt
changes in policies, personal peeves against certain
companies, as well as immigration bans and a trade
war that hobbled many industries. The election
changed much of that, and the new Biden administration
is justifiably very popular even among
businesspeople, but the country remains precariously
divided by politicians seeking to perpetuate
distrust and hate.
So business finally said “enough is enough”.
CEO’s have plenty of power, monetary and otherwise,
bolstered by court rulings that protect business
interests far beyond what is really necessary. Business
leaders are now using their power to step up
and be the adults in the room. That shouldn’t come
as a surprise to anyone…. except apparently to politicians
in Washington.
How has Washington reacted?
Washington’s response so far has ranged from comical
to confused, and just plain non-existent.
Republicans warned business to stay out of politics,
while inexplicably expecting their campaign
contributions to continue unabated. Progressive
Democrats remain skeptical of everything corporate,
sharing their concerns via profit-making social
media platforms on their new I-phones delivered
by Amazon. Neither side has offered an enlightened
response to corporate America’s newly found voice.
The Biden Administration has remained mostly silent,
avoiding public engagement except for some
private phone calls from White House staffers and
a few low-key targeted meetings.
What’s up with that? Why doesn’t the President
instead boldly and broadly embrace the support of
American businesses for the ideals and “the soul of
America” that he so ardently campaigned for? He
could then add a clear call for business to act upon
their words, to simultaneously line up support for
everything else he wants to do. C’mon, seize the
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