Where the roof structure is supported on the precast concrete walls and columns, the anchoring of connections of the steel components in the concrete structure
is secured by Peikko’s galvanized anchor bolts.
As the previous construction no
longer met the requirements
of a modern sports venue, it
only continued to be used with
a special permit from the German Football
League (DFL). When a feasability study
revealed that refurbishment and extension
of the old soccer arena would take around
eleven years and would cost little less than a
new building, the decision was easy.
Imagine over thirty thousand spectators at
a football game jumping up and down in
unison. The structure they are jumping on
will be subjected to dynamic loads and vibration
in the foundation connections. Additionally,
the designing team had to consider that
Freiburg is situated in an seismic zone 2.
For demanding projects like this, experts
are needed. HPP have extensive experience
in the construction of sports facilities, and so
have Krebs + Kiefer, who were responsible
for the overall structural design and fire
protection planning. Their expertise was
complemented by Knippers Helbig for steel
construction structural design and planning.
In Germany, column connections for
seismic loading can be designed according
to Eurocodes 2 to 7 in most cases for all
seismic zones (0 to 3) in structures of
significance category I to III with no more
than 6 full floors. This includes precast
connections – if necessary in combination
with national approvals for the connecting
components and, if required, with additional
structural provisions according to Annex A of
Eurocode 8.
The structural designers chose Peikko’s
efficient bolted connections for all the
precast concrete columns in the arena. The
column connections, consisting of standard
HPKM® Column Shoes and HPM® Anchor
Bolts, serve as cantilever support in the
assembly state and as bracing for normal
forces in the final state.
Imagine over 30,000 spectators at a football game jumping up and down in unison. The structure is
subjected to dynamic loads and vibration in the foundation connections.