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Moodi No 3-4 | 2016

AJANKOHTA I S TA 24 Moodi 1/2013 TEEMA: K L I I N I N E N K E M I A KIRJALLISUUS 1. Käypä hoito suositus - Diabetes. hoito/ 2. Penttilä I, Penttilä K, Holm P, Laitinen H, Ranta R, Törrönen J, Rauramaa R. Methods, units and quality requirements for the analysis of haemoglobin A1c in diabetes mellitus. World J Methdol 2016; 6: xx-yy. 3. Rahbar S. An abnormal hemoglobin in red cells of diabetics. Clin Chim Acta 1968; 22: 296-298. 4. Trivelli LA, Ranney HM, Lai HT. Hemoglobin components in pa-tients with diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med 1971; 284: 353-357. 5. Little RR, Wiedmeyer HM, England JD, Wilke AL, Rohlfing CL, Wians FH, Jacobson JM, Zellmer V, Goldstein DE. Interlaborato-ry standardization of measurements of glycohemoglobins. Clin Chem 1992; 38: 2472-2478. 6. Penttilä IM, Gävert J, Julkunen A, Rantanen T. Quality specifica-tions for glycated hemoglobin A1c. Ups J Med Sci 1993; 98: 395- 399. 7. Weykamp CW, Penders TJ, Muskiet FA, van der Slik W. Effect of calibration on dispersion of glycohemoglobin values deter-mined by 111 laboratories using 21 methods. Clin Chem 1994; 40: 138-144. 8. Stenman UH, Pesonen K, Ylinen K, Huhtala ML, Teramo K. Rapid chromatographic quantitation of glycosylated haemoglobins. J Chromatogr 1984; 297: 327-332. 9. Parviainen M, Julkunen A, Penttilä I. Nopea GHbA1c analyysi Be-ckman System Gold-HPLC-laitetta käyttäen (Rapid GHbA1c ana-lyse by using a System Gold-HPLC instrument of Beckman). Kliin Lab 1990; 7: 71-73. 10. Finke A, Kobold U, Hoelzel W, Weykamp C, Miedema K, Jepps-son JO. Preparation of a candidate primary reference material for the international standardisation of HbA1c determinations. Clin Chem Lab Med 1998; 36: 299-308. 11. Jeppsson JO, Kobold U, Barr J, Finke A, Hoelzel W, Hoshino T, Mie-dema K, Mosca A, Mauri P, Paroni R, Thienpont L, Umemoto M, Weykamp C. Approved IFCC reference method for the measu-rement of HbA1c in human blood. Clin Chem Lab Med 2002; 40: 78-89 12. Hoelzel W, Weykamp C, Jeppsson JO, Miedema K, Barr JR, Goodall I, Hoshino T, John WG, Kobold U, Little R, Mosca A, Mauri P, Pa-roni R, Susanto F, Takei I, Thienpont L, Umemoto M, Wiedmeyer HM. IFCC reference system for measurement of hemoglobin A1c in human blood and the national standardization schemes in the United States, Japan, and Sweden: a method-comparison study. Clin Chem 2004; 50: 166-174. 13. Nordin G, Dybkaer R. Recommendation for term and measure-ment unit for “HbA1c”. Clin Chem Lab Med 2007; 45: 1081-1082. 14. Dybaer R, Jorgensen K. A primer of quantities and units in clini-cal chemistry. University Institute of Pathology, Copenhagen , Denmark 1966. 15. Harri J, Huovinen J, Karjalainen U, Penttilä IM, Relander A, Rintola P, .Saris N-E, Tammisto P. Kliinisen kemian yksiköt. (Units in cli-nical chemistry). Suom Lääk Lehti 1970; 25: 2533-2543. 16. Penttilä I, Penttilä K, Holm P, Laitinen H, Rauramaa R. Hemoglo-bin A1c reported in units and cutoffs in relation to international recommendations. Clin Chem Lab Med 2015;53:e277-e279. 17. Penttilä I, Anttila P, Collings A, Hägglund H, Holm P, Hämäläinen E, Laitinen P, Leino P, Laitinen H. HbA1c tulokset yhdenmukaisik-si. Suom Lääk Lehti 2015; 70;2016-2017. 18. American Diabetes Association. Diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care 2010; 33 (Suppl 1): S62-S69 19. Gerstein HC, Swedberg K, Carlsson J, McMurray JJ, Michelson EL, Olofsson B, Pfeffer MA, Yusuf S. The hemoglobin A1c level as a progressive risk factor for cardiovascular death, hospitalization for heart failure, or death in patients with chronic heart failure: an analysis of the Candesartan in Heart failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity (CHARM) program. Arch In-tern Med 2008; 168: 1699-1704. 20. Khalafallah A, Phuah E, Al-Barazan AM, Nikakis I, Radford A, Clarkson W, Trevett C, Brain T, Gebski V, Corbould A. Glycosylated hemoglobin for screening and diagnosis of gestational diabetes. BMJ 2016; Apr 4:6(4):e011059 21. Little RR, Rohlfing CL, Sacks DB for the NGSP Committee. Sta-tus of hemoglobin A1c measurement ad goals for improvement: from chaos to order for improving diabetes care. Clin Chem 2011;57:205-214. 22. Lindblad B, Nordin G. External quality assessment of HbA1c and its effect on comparison between Swedish pediatric diabetes clinics. Experiences from the Swedish pediatric diabetes quali-ty register (Swediabkids) and Equalis. Clin Chem Lab Med 2013; 51: 2045-2052 Kuva 1. Hemoglobiinin agar-geelielektroforeesilöydös, nuolen kohdalla kuvan alaosassa näkyvä voimakas fraktio diabeetikon veressä verrattuna yläosan ter-veen henkilön vereen (3). Kuva 2. Weykampin työryhmän (4) HbA1c löydökset 110 labora-torion ja 21 menetel-män primaaritulok-sista (osa B) ja uudel-leen laskettuna vakioinnin jälkeen (osa A) normaalin ja diabeetikon verinäyt-teestä. Kuva 3. Hemoglo-biinifraktiot terveen (874) ja diabeetikon (875) verestä Phar-macian FPLC ana-lysaattorilla ja Mo-noS pylväällä (6). 112 Moodi 3-4/2016

Moodi No 3-4 | 2016
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