Page 21 - Science Barometer 2022
P. 21

  I have always trusted experts but the epidemic has just strengthened my view that experts are more knowledgeable than lay people and that their expertise should be trusted...
— male, 37, Turku
 The whole corona pandemic has been marked by the public acceptance of just one truth and the categorisation
of people based on their vaccination status. The ties of “experts” with pharmaceutical companies have been ignored, which has eroded trust in their independence.
— female, 50, helsinki
Follow the money! It is shocking
to see experts talk the talk of those who are funding them in the name of science. Science is also becoming politicised. No good.
— male, 50, helsinki
It adds to your trust to see that kind of courage to change opinions and guidelines based on science and new research results.
— female, 61, helsinki

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